Totals and movements of 2024
Last year was another full of various activities, CES, several RAS and a
colour- ringing project. General migration monitoring at several sites to
more p...
Januartelling av sangsvaner i Hallingdal 2025
Vintertellingen av sangsvaner i Hallingdal *2025* ble gjennomført* 18.
januar.* Totalt ble det registrert *196* sangsvaner (Tabell 1) mot * 210 *
Broomfield Winter CES Visit 6 - Sunday 12 January
Kev H, Gary, Josh, Laura, Kev B and I made the sixth Winter CES visit to
Broomfield College. We had nets up by the feeders and sports field, as well
as a...
*Biometrics and movements of Redwings ringed in Grampian 1989 – 2024*
*(Innes Sim)*
Grampian Ringing Group ringed 701 Redwings between 1989 and 2024,...
Nuthatch Study Update
Our colour ringed Nuthatch study is based in Jerry and Barbara's woodland
edge garden in Silverdale North Lancashire and is in its fourth year. Our
aim is...
UEARG ringing report 2019
Another successful year of ringing for UEARG with a couple of standout
records and a good number of birds processed.
2019 saw us process a total of *5,788...
Keldsnor Fuglestation – efteråret 2018
Efterårssæsonen er i fuld gang på Keldsnor Fuglestation. Aktiviteterne kan
følges via vores kalender, samt på Dofbasen Snatur Facebookgruppen
“Langelands F...
Revtangen BO April 22nd
*SE light winds around dawn, turning S and increasing from around 9. Rather
cold, only 2 degrees at dawn. Nets closed at 11 because of wind and in
coming r...
Årets første ved Øyeren
Christoffer startet sist søndag med over 20 i nota.
Nå var det min tur. Forhåpningene var ikke store da det var mye havre og
lite solsikke i den store autom...
Resumen del año 2017.
Como cada año, hago un pequeño recorrido de lo que ha sido la campaña de
anillamiento. Cada vez, con menos ganas. Dia tras dia, me doy cuenta a pie
de c...
Cornwall over Easter - 7-10th April 2017
I'll start this off with some fantastic news! I asked Danni to marry me
and she said yes! Result! Could not be happier with the person I have
chosen to sp...
Hedehøg og Natugler
Det har været en stille dag i haven med kun 15 ringmærkede fugle, jeg
kunne derfor allerede efter 2 runde lade Hans og Rie passe ringmærkningen,
så jeg ku...
Eggciting News!
[image: WP_20150507_031]
The gulls seem to be picking up the pace now down at the main study site
for The Galloway Common Gull Study. After checking a se...
April news
The year to date, ringing wise, has been reasonably productive. A good
breeding season last summer and a mild winter (the second in a row) has
helped surv...
March 8th 2015
It was a promising day with lots of gulls feeding on the tip. Our biggest
problem was relatively small team of only 6 of us..
We had first catch very fast...
Godt nytt år
Kan begynne med å ønske dere alle et godt nytt år. Det har vært stille her
lenge, men det skal det bli en forandring på. I 2014 skjedde det desverre
ikke d...
14th October
It was a very windy morning with a force 5 gusting 6-7. The wind dropped by
the afternoon and a few sheltered nets were opened. Half a dozen Goldcrests
Welcome back LBBG!
The spring is finally here and the first Lesser black-backed gulls (*Larus
fuscus*) have started to return to their breeding areas. Also the
roof-nesting ...
Bye Bye Blog
In 2006 I started this Blog to give an insight in to why we ring birds and
to show people what i got up to while doing it. After 7 years it is now
time fo...
Gulls, gulls, gulls...
Really should apologies for leaving you so long with that last post about
Herring Gull races. It really was quite cruel. My offering this time is
again sa...
Parrot Crossbill Invasion !
You would have to have been living on the moon lately to not know that
England appears to be experiencing a surge influx of large-billed Parrot
type Crossb...
Americano to take away
Took my first flight in five years today and day tripped the American Coot
at Loch Flemington near Inverness. I had a bit of history that had to be
Phenotypic Divergence in Reed Buntings
A while back, I was taking some additional biometric data on Reed Buntings
for a project being conducted by a friend, Júlio Neto - I mentioned it in
this p...
Long time….no….blog!
I’ve been abandoning the old blog of late, not because I’ve stopped ringing
– mainly due to not having the time to update it due to work, travel,
Spring has sprung
At last we have had a couple of mist netting sessions for any migrants that
may be about, finally showing that Spring has sprung.
The first session was at W...
Quality not Quantity!
I would just like to apologise for the complete lack of posting lately,
mainly due to a mass concentrated effort on my 3rd Year Honours Project at
Bangor U...